Gulnaz Galimullina
Gulnaz Galimullina
«Monisto» - the oldest breast jewelry made of coins. Its sacral meaning is protection. The breastplate also told about the owner's status, age, wealth and ancestry.
The main character of the film is a monisto of Bashkir women. It is a witness to the revolution, repressions, the Great Patriotic War. The war took coin ornaments from each family. I women surrendered jewelry for the army. A few tons of silver melted into spare parts of military equipment, shell casings.

Monisto is like a guide in epochs and a link with the history of different peoples. Yurt is the symbolic place for all main life events of the young bashkirian girl from from birth to maternity. The viewer will live the history of the monisto from ancient times to modern times, getting acquainted with the rites and traditions of the Bashkir people.