Gulnaz Galimullina
photo project
Малайға тәрбиә биреп - ир тәрбиәләйһең, ҡыҙға тәрбиә биреп - милләт тәрбиәләйһең.
Воспитывая сына – воспитываешь мужчину, воспитывая дочь – воспитываешь нацию
A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground.

В башкирской культуре семье отводилась очень большая роль. Мужчина и женщина в первую очередь были партнерами и равноправными участниками рода. Когда супруг уходил на войну, все его обязанности переходили к женщине. Башкирка владела искусством стрельбы из лука, верховой езды, часто воевала бок о бок с мужчинами. С уверенностью можно сказать, что у хранительницы очага забот и обязанностей было больше, чем у мужчины.

photo project

Малайға тәрбиә биреп - ир, ҡыҙға тәрбиә биреп - милләт тәрбиәләйһең.
Воспитывая сына – воспитываешь мужчину, воспитывая дочь – воспитываешь нацию
A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground.

In Bashkir culture the role of the family was very huge. Man and woman were partners first of all and equal members of the clan. When a husband went to war, all his responsibilities passed to the woman. The Bashkir woman mastered the art of archery and horse riding, and often fought side by side with men. We can say with confidence that the "keeper of the hearth", as it used to say about women, had more responsibilities than the men.

Every calendar introduces an experiment and novelty. A characteristic feature of the 2023 issue is the participation of families with their children. The focus was only on one person before, but at the new issue each month reveals new faces.

Ilmira and Idel Bukharbayevs, Gulnara and Ilsur Kazakbayevs, Milyausha and Timur Iskhakovs, Gulnaz and Ruslan Kuramshins, Leisan and Dinar Mazitovs, Razilya Bilalova and Ilnaz Khaliullin - are the participants of the new photo project.

The illustrations by the artist Liana Nigametzyanova decorate each page of the calendar. These drawings are masterpieces in themselves. Liana created drawings based on photographs that were not printed.