Gulnaz Galimullina
A hobby that became the meaning of the life
Gataullin's costumes today are known all over the world mainly due to photo projects. it is impossible to imagine any Bashkir cinema without master's costumes. "The joy of our home", "First Republic", "Etegan" are one of the first films in which the master's crafts appeared. There is no secret: only Ildar has the best and most authentic national costumes.
2008 was a decisive year for Ildar. A young man, once fond of forging prop medieval weapons, decided to take on the reconstruction of the Bashkir national costume.
"The first thing that I reconstructed was the suit of a Bashkir warrior: no one has done this yet. I sewed a shirt, trousers, a hat, then yelyan. Interest in a women's costume appeared later," - says Ildar.
Ildar sewed the first bib as a diploma work when he studied for the designer. "To assemble a whole suit,- the artist admits, - is a great and long work. Only reconstructing of the bib can take a whole year if you sew it from old coins. Sometimes I have to look for coins all over Russia".
"Silver coins are usually bought by weight, like precious metals. The price can vary from 200 to 10 thousand rubles per coin. Other items, like old kumbazas, do not have a clear price. They simply cannot be sold," - Ildar Gataullin shares.
"Usually I compose a bib from several old elements and vary with modern ones. ICorals, shells are easily available nowadays. Sometimes I use a 3D printer: such bib is light. It looks well on the screen, on the stage, but does not jingle as real coins" - continues his story Ildar.
Ildar uses only natural fabrics and ancient materials: silk, cloth, linen, satin, velvet. Often buys vintage fabrics - homespun.
"The reconstruction of national costumes began as a hobby, but now for me it is the meaning of my life. I hope to awaken self-awareness and national identity in people, love and respect for their history and culture," - says master Ildar.