Gulnaz Galimullina
It is based on the work of the famous photographer Serrano Andres. He used bull blood, his own seminal fluid and two glasses to create the cover of the album "Load" for the group Metallica.
Red ink and egg white were pressed between two glasses for filming ethnic abstraction. Silver earrings through a colored shroud is a symbol of rebirth and returning to basics.

Decoration, created by a 3D-printer, put in the aquarium - a symbol of the artificial return of history. Breastplates, earrings an all jewelry made of precious and non-ferrous metals were handed over to the needs of the Army to be melted down into spare parts for military equipment. Today the same process of melting occurs, but only in the opposite direction. An aquarium is like a symbol of the motherly womb of the modern synthetic world.
The silver earring symbolizes the Bashkir legend "Seven girls".

The guards vigilantly kept captives - seven Bashkir sisters. They cut them heels and put in horsehair so that they coudn't run away. One of the darkest nights the Bashkir beauties disappeared. But the enemies quickly found an escape and chased after the captives on horses. When sisters. saw the guards they held their hands and jumped off a cliff into the lake. So they disappeared into the depths of the water, remaining free forever... "
The sad story of 7 Bashkir girls is glorified in folk songs and dances, continues to live in the name of the lake and sparkle in the rainbow waters of the fountain in Ufa.
White organza is a symbol of purity and disobedience of 7 beauties, a red ribbon is life that has been cut short, an earring is all that is left of them in the water.